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May 2016 Session  

Curriculum and Experience 


-    Middle Eastern Biblical Culture

-    History of Old & New Testament

-    Arabic for Beginnners

-    Israeli/Palestinian Conflict



We will begin our trip in Kiev, Ukraine where will participate in a Prayer Retreat hosted by one of the largest Messianic congregations in the world.  This is an intense time of corporate and individual prayer and intercession and attended by church and congregation leaders from over 14 countries.  There is wonderful cross-cultural fellowship and also rich biblical teaching.  


After 1 week in Kiev, the group will travel to Warsaw, Poland for 3 days where will visit key historical sites and meet with local leaders.  


We will round out our trip in Israel where we will offer students hands-on study in archeology, geography, Middle Eastern biblical culture and history, basic conversational Arabic language, study of specific people in the Bible as well as an in-depth look at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in both a historical and modern context.  This particular area of study will include discussion on the complex dynamics in play today including borders, trade, living arrangements, transportation and security.


We will be featuring many local guest lecturers including Arab Christians, Messianic Israeli Jews, Muslims and international Christians living in the Holy Lands.  They will share their personal testimonies, stories about what life looks like for them in the Holy Lands and their unique views on the conflict.





This program is designed to allow students to "study" in different cross-cultural environments, sometimes in a classroom setting and other times just via experience.   


It is our desire that through this unique experiential study, our DESTINATIONS countries including the Holy Lands will “come to life” in such a way that they are able to share with others through pictures, stories, personal testimony and new or fresh perspective.  As such, in addition to periodic quizzes, class breakout discussions, short papers and other assignments, each student will will be given the opportunity to complete a final project in the form of an oral presentation focused on a particular area of study/aspect of the Holy Lands for the rest of the class.

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